Auto Splicing Machine-Multiple G_China SMT Products Supplier - Hotwintech

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Auto Splicing Machine-Multiple G

MODEL: Multiple G

CATEGORY: Tools and consumables for SMD reel splicing

TEL: +86 755-2919 8013

FAX: +86 755-2346 2890


Product Description

• Flexible to splice 8mm, 12mm and 16mm SMT tapes at accurate pitch;
• Standard and enhancement splicing tapes assure splicing strength – no loosing or broken during tape moving in feeder;
• Auto width adjustment between 8/12/16mm tape changeover;
• Cut excessive empty tape automatically before splicing;
• Pre-peeling function makes cover tape separating from carrier tape of new SMT tape easier;
• Portable to move on production floor;
• Quick battery swap for continuous working.