Dry Cabinet DC-210,DC-410,DC-750,DC1150_China SMT Products Supplier - Hotwintech

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Dry Cabinet DC-210,DC-410,DC-750,DC1150

MODEL: DC-210,DC-410,DC-750,DC1150

CATEGORY: Accessory Equipment for material handling

TEL: +86 755-2919 8013

FAX: +86 755-2346 2890

E-MAIL: sales@hotwintech.com

Product Description


1 .Strong moisture absorption abilities can rech less than 5% RH without nitrogen.

  1. 2.Equipped the digital read-out displays.
  2. 3.The cabinet surface resistance is less than 10Ω/cm2 ,It can prevent static.
  3. 4.Good sealing on door with a key lock.
  4. 5.Log and chart recorder as optional.